
Big changes

After having worked in the hotel for about three month, Paul had to quit this job. He felt he was bodily too small, but intellectual too big for this kind of work. His screws became fully worn, while his chip was thinking about a lot of stupid things, and he became very depressed. He decided to find a job that would fulfill his expectations, and to apply for jobs as a photographer.
The problem was he couldn’t find a job in Rennes. There was only a photo studio in Leipzig in Germany in which he could start his career.
It was a hard choice, but Paul decided to move to Germany to try to find his luck.

One week before his flight, Paul went to an exhibition of famous photo artists from Rennes. There he saw an unbelievable beautiful girl, and his mechanical heart beaded like a hammer. Paul thought: “Help, I’m alive!”
It was the first time he felt like this, and he wondered about if he was dead all the time before.
Nevertheless he is pretty shy he managed to activate all his courage and talk to her. She told him her name was Lily, like the flower.

After the exhibition, they went to a bar and drank some local delicacies. Paul noticed the unbelievable charming girl also liked him. She told him she was from Turkey and only in Rennes for a workshop. She would leave at the same day like Paul, the first of May.

They had such a good time, and Paul was so happy.

The next days they met again and talked about a lot of things…

Although the unbelievable smart girl was not religious, she showed Paul some Islamic traditions.

Paul confessed to her that he really, really liked her and gave her the key to his heart. She held it, at least for a while.

She was such an unbelievable wonderful person, and Paul whished this could last forever.

But then it was the first of May, and Lily and Paul had to leave Rennes. Paul became very sad. Luckily Barney Stinson, who was a good friend of Paul, sent a nice message for goodbye and Paul was a little better.
He really wanted to say goodbye to Lily who had to leave earlier, but he was way too sad.

Paul went to the train station. Everywhere people gave away these little white flowers, which were called like the unbelievable tender girl. Dammed!
With the TGV, Paul drove to the airport of Paris.

He was a little confused, but he managed to find the right place.

He was fascinated by these big busses with wings.

Paul enjoyed his first flight. His airbus went to Munich.

There he had to take a smaller bus with wings.

Late at night, he arrived safely in Leipzig. He was curious about what times he may have in this town. But mostly he was tired.

On the way to his new flat, he thought about Lily. What could have happened, if she wasn’t in Turkey, and he wasn’t in Leipzig? He hoped some day they could meet again. Maybe if he had enough money, he could visit her. He would never forget this astonishing girl.


What Paul likes...

Paul likes plants.

Paul likes going for a walke.

Paul likes writing letters and stories.

Paul likes talking to friends.

Paul is against sexual harassment.

 But he likes eggs.

He likes kickboxing.

Paul likes art... and... women. 

Paul likes to take pictures.

Paul would like to travel around and see the world… 

…but yet he is short of money.

Paul likes God. But he is not interested in old Christian rituals and conventions.


The adventure begins...

Paul was switched on for the first time in a toyshop in Rennes, France. Nevertheless, he insists that he is no toy, but for adult collectors only. To underline this statement, he refers to the paperboard, in which he was packed.

He directly started to explore every single part of the town, discovering little hidden treasures. 
Like this fossilized head of an unknown women, filling a font with her tears. Paul asked her, why she was so sad, but she only replied: Never fall in love, poor, green boy!
So he played for a while on his tin drum, and she became a little better.

Soon he realised that the life of the people was controlled by stupid machines with numbers and a screen, and he began to think about what may have gotten wrong, before he was switched on.  He decided to give his existence another sense.

In a bar for philosophers, he met an old lady, who needed some hoisting. Gently, he helped her out. 
They began to talk about why so many people were addicted to money.

She told him, in earlier days, people did not buy anything. But they traded the things they did not need for things they needed. But sometimes, this became inefficient, because some things were too big to carry them the whole time. Or you needed a special thing to a special time, but not to the time the change had to take place. So, an alternative was needed. Money became a mean to symbolise values.

He asked her, why the people were not just working according to their abilities, because there would be enough for everyone. She answered, actually tries had taken place to realise this great idea, but the people were too selfish and to hoggish, and it was a total disaster.
The rulers were very greedy for power and pomp, and they drove their countries to ruin.

They continued thinking about this idea, but they came to the conclusion, that no things could be changed, until the people themselves would become a little bit smarter.
The old lady recommended Paul warmly to find a job, not to give his existence a sense, but a financial foundation. As a last tip, she added: If you are looking for a sense, search it in love!

So Paul decided to become a cleaning robot in a hotel. It was hard work and not well paid. But at least it was a beginning.