This blog tells the story of Paul le Robot, who moved from Rennes in France to Leipzig in Germany. While he is looking for the love of his live, he undergoes many funny and exiting, but sometimes also sad adventures. You are kindly invited to be his friend and join him on his travel to... well, let's see!!!
This was summer
Hello there!
It’s me,
your old friend Paul. Long time no see. Like usual, Paul has been very busy.
Excuse him, you know he loves YOU. :)
A lot of
things have been happening in the live of Paul, so this will be a long blog.
But He doesn’t want to bore you with too much detail and too much text. So
there will be many pictures. Yehaa, good for you, kids!
Paul demands to show of with his new car. It is a real Ford Mustang from 1967,
in black and red, Paul’s favourite colours.
Then, Paul
had to drive to Hamburg,
because the company for which he is working had their great summer party. It
has been wonderful! Everyone had to dress in white, and especially the ladies
looked like a nice piece of crumpet.
At first
everyone went on a boat and drove around the harbour.
Of cause
everyone was satisfied with drinking apple juice.
sunset they went to a Latino club and danced like Pacho Alonso.
To refresh
his main processor, Paul took a walk…
When Paul
is drunk, he detects an increase of the handsomeness of women.
Then Paul
had to be in school in Kiel
for a very long time. But this time has been the first time, he could enjoy it.
It has been very relaxed. In the first half, to stay precisely.
He hung
around with his gang. They where dangerous and dreaded.
They played golf…
Bought a lot of crap…
Went to the seaside…
Took a look around
Thought about some
friends far, far away and stuff, a gang needs to think of.
Paul also visited his mother and his sister in the beautiful
Like in a real Western, Paul walked through fields…
And talked to real ladies about stuff, a cowbot needs to talk about.
He also ate the lovely
cherry soup of his mother.
And played hide and
Dónde está Paul?
Moreover he found some interesting instruments…
He worked in the garden. He gave some of his positive energy to flowers
by staring at them.
Back in Kiel,
Paul worked on a fashion show…
And totally fell in love.
Some amateurs always constrained his professional attempts.
In school he learned a lot about architecture photography. Remember? It
has also been the topic of his work in Rennes in
While going for a walk in his last days in Kiel, he heard a crying in the wood. He
followed the sound and found Knut, a little ice bear.
Paul appeased him and asked, why he was crying.
“I have to get to Leipzig
as quick as possible. But Günter the goose refused to take me with him. What
can I do now?”
“Well I guess there is a way…” Paul answered.
“Quick, we have to hurry, Paul! We will never make it in time with this
“Hold on, little teddy-bear!”
Finally spring!
Hello kids!
It has been a very long time since the last episode of
Paul. He really wanted to talk to you, but his personal magical-communication-device
was defect, so there was no way.
So what has happened meanwhile?
Paul’s time in Kiel finally came to an end. On the one hand
he will miss this kind of vacations… but on the other hand, everything that
matters to his life takes place in lovely Leipzig.
So he was very
happy when the time came to drive back.
When he arrived, spring also came. Like every year, ramson grew everywhere in the park. The Robber's Daughter made Paul a present of a
tasty glass of ramson pesto. It was hardly embattled in Paul’s flat, but he
stayed the glorious victor in the end.
At Easter,
and Paul blew some eggs with some friends.
them, he felt like Dali or Munch or both of them mixed in cocktail of protein. The
smell was… amazing.
Paul also
visited the zoo with its new attraction, the so called “Gondwanaland”. He
simply was overwhelmed by the size of the tropical jungle that is situated in
the city of Leipzig
right now. Kids, seriously, visit it! It is legendary. I think there will be an
episode just about all the stuff there soon.
In Leipzig there is a new
kind of trend: Street art! Nothing comes close to the feeling when a passionate
street photographer discovers there are street artists in his own hometown!!!
What a wonderful world, my old Swede!
The other
day, Paul trained his Chinese circus skills…
but he came
in great affliction, because a red haired ninja was training its fighting
skills at the same rope.
After a
scarce but successful escape, Paul discovered some new friends in the park.
Sadly their interest in a friendship seemed to be less intensive then Pauls.
He felt
sooo lonely…
But the
pirate told him once, if you have got enough peanuts, you will get a lot
of friends. So he decided to take his chance…
He needn’t
to wait very long, and his first new friend arrived…
And the
But the
third one tried to trick him, so Paul decided he should better be alone then in
bad company.
In the pond
he discovered some Chinese ducks that acted like their hormones went wild.
After an
exhausting afternoon, Paul needed some coke. He thought about the last time he
drank some. It was over one year ago in Rennes,
in company with Lily, the first love of his life…
He took a
look at the beauty of the rising spring and thought about a lot of stuff that
was going on right now. Life will never be boring, it seems.
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